Great User Experience isn’t a destination, it’s a constant journey.” - Elle Robertson. 

Not long ago, UX (User Experience) was something only designers worried about. Marketers focused on the company's goals (sales), while UX designers poured their energy into creating meaningful, customer-centric products. 

Today, savvy business owners realise such a stark delineation does not exist — that UX is, in fact, a foundational component of any successful digital marketing strategy. 

Let me explain…

When UX becomes central to your digital marketing strategy, your entire marketing flywheel works more efficiently and effectively. 

That’s because UX in digital marketing drives purchasing decisions — it enthrals your target customers so that they become repeat clients. And if your user experience is subpar? Well, your sales and revenue will quickly tell you…

In other words, the quality of every interaction with your brand matters. Put your user’s needs first in your user experience marketing, and you’ll set a solid foundation for increased conversions. 

According to the latest statistics by TrueList, improving customer experience can raise KPIs by over 80%. Plus, the ROI on UX investments hovers around 9,900%!

Yet despite these statistics, only about 55% of businesses are conducting any UX testing…

It’s time to change that. If you’re ready to learn how UX in digital marketing directly impacts revenue and conversions, this guide is for you. 

What is UX in digital marketing? 

UX is largely as it sounds: the user experience a person has when interacting with your website or application. I would go a step further and say UX in digital marketing is how your customer feels anytime they interact with your brand, anywhere online. 

UX digital marketing considers how website design, information architecture, usability, and content can enhance the customer experience. The more clearly and concisely you deliver your message across these pillars, the more potent your marketing efforts.

Your company’s number one objective should be to provide customer satisfaction — to help guide your hero along their buyer’s journey, further from pain and closer to pleasure. 

A customer-centric approach to marketing puts the users’ wants and needs at the heart of your strategy. By incorporating UX in your digital marketing, you better understand your target audience — and you boost sales and conversions as a result. 

This quote by Iris Grossman sums it up nicely: 

UX isn’t just about readability and optimised fonts; it is also about creating memorable experiences that drive brand perception, recurring visits or purchases. UX also provides invaluable insights about what users do and about the psychology of the user, which lead to smarter marketing.

How to use marketing to improve the user experience 

Marketers and UX designers can no longer operate in silos. Improve your user experience by integrating product and marketing. These tips will help:

Invest in your buyer personas

Do you intimately understand your customer’s pain points, wants and needs? 

Most startups get this wrong… They build customer personas based on surface-level assumptions and fictional profiles.

Your buyer persona might not be a real person, but it should be based on accurate data. 

Consider demographics as well as characteristics. What are your target audience’s main challenges, goals, and motivations? 

When you invest in well-researched buyer personas, you set your entire team up for success. Your marketing and sales become more targeted, more precise, and more persuasive — and that means an optimised UX in marketing that drives conversions and sales. 

Conduct UX testing

Thanks to advances in marketing, you now have several sophisticated data-testing tools at your fingertips. Today’s marketers use these tools to measure user experience and inform marketing strategies — they tap into honest customer feedback to create highly engaged audiences at every step of the Buyer’s Journey. 

If you want to unearth potential shortcomings in your digital marketing strategy (and understand what’s working well), invest in strategic UX testing. And remember: creative testing never stops

Pay attention to your buyer’s journey

Your customer’s pain points will change as they progress along their journey — so, too, should the user experience you provide.

Consider the needs of your customers with each brand interaction. Ask yourself:

Is there brand coherence across every touchpoint? Or does the user experience feel disjointed and confusing? 

When you understand your buyer's changing needs at each stage in their Buyer’s Journey, you create marketing material that speaks directly to their needs and enhances your overall UX in digital marketing. 

Consider marketing automation 

Give your customers what they need, when they need it…

It’s one of the first rules of operating and growing a successful business — and a crucial pillar of improving user experience. 

Marketing automation can be a powerful way to dramatically improve UX in digital marketing while saving you time and energy. Today’s users expect relevant, personalised messages that are custom-crafted to their unique needs. 

Yet no busy business owner has time to respond to every message, question, and comment personally. Enter: marketing automation. 

Use conversational marketing tools and automation software to improve user experience and gain valuable insights about your customer. You’ll close leads more quickly and attract more raving fans. 

Provide a superb visual experience

Of course, digital marketing and UX design still go hand-in-hand. 

What do you do when you land on an unresponsive website that is slow or otherwise frustrating to navigate? I quickly leave the site — even if I intended to make a purchase or take action. 

An appealing user interface and clear, compelling design and messaging remain crucial to optimising sales and conversions. 

One final note:

Successful businesses must shrink the gap between marketing and UX design. Epic user experiences will always impact conversions — and so, too, will mediocre and confusing brand interactions.